Friday, August 26, 2005

a crack in the calendar

it's a friday night and i'm still at the office.

normally, i'd be going to bambi's and making tambay there until 10pm (watching encantadia & sugo). now, i can't. she's abroad for 3 weeks and i suddenly have nothing to do.

my sister also went abroad for a week; it's just perfect timing that they're both gone now.

i try to rack my brain on what i used to do on weekend nights like this one, before bambi came along. let me see...

  1. do nothing but watch TV at home
  2. go to batangas on friday night, to return on sunday afternoon
  3. go watch a movie with my sister
  4. if really desperate, attend the rusty gym at the utility company, where no one else use it except for my gym-obsessed friend and some other gym dudes

i guess it's like what i heard about Flowers for Algernon, where the mouse (sorry bambi) was subjected to a stimulant (i think) and the mouse (named Algernon) became more intelligent; then the scientists took the janitor played by matthew modine and made him drink the drug to make him a genius. unfortunately, Algernon died because of the drugs, and this might make matthew modine die as well. i think he refused to stop the drug, because of this:

he has tasted greatness already; he can't go back to being what he used to be.


categorically imperative said...

yeah, like what we have here at work...we've tasted greatness already so we might as well die na.

Anonymous said...

elo! alabshu! im here in d states reading ur blog. leaving in a yl for the DMV to get my ID. wishmelak! ELO LG miss u na rin


number cruncher said...

categorically imperative:

*urk!* *blag!* he3x! :P
i guess that's also a reason why it's difficult to transfer out? :P


miss you too!!! it's not my birtday yet... where did you login? :P