Saturday, February 25, 2006

emerging & existing emergency

the coup has been prevented, the rallies have been controlled, people ask me "is it over?"

  • there are still sizeable amount of troops milling around critical military installations and at the palace (although they are not as tense as before)
  • people known to be critical of the empress' reign are being arrested right and left

i don't think it's over, not by a long shot. i shudder to think of the day when she will take over media outlets (channel 2 and 7), newspapers (inquirer, she already cracked down on the daily tribune - a newspaper i don't particularly read because of its pro-erap stance; but i do believe the niche should be maintained, not shut down), and utilities (meralco).

although i'm confident i won't be caught, arrested, or threatened (i'm just an insignificant number cruncher who's pissed at the reign; there are a whole lot of others more significant than me), it sends a psychological signal down the line that no one should go against her. i mean, the government only needs to catch the leaders to send the shudders down everyone's spine; but it discourages everyone to say anything. pretty soon, i'll be too scared to say anything. that is just plain wrong.

i really should do something about it; but certain conflicts of interests prevent me from doing so. for now, i blog.


Anonymous said...

This is so sad...
I've always been apathetic about our political situation but hearing these things from far away... reading about them in foreign affecting to say the least.

number cruncher said...

and it's just depressing that only bad news come from the home front... :(